Past Performance Is An Indicator...

of future results.

Quick rehash: Iraq kicks out UN weapon inspectors. Eventually, we get ticked off enough to do something about it. (For a brief post on this issue, look here.)

Now, Iran has banned UN nuclear inspectors. By my count, they have either 11 years of cushion here, or until the next Republican majority in the House and Senate coincide with a Republican president.

There is a part of me that would like to think that Iran is actually just trying to get nuclear power power for the pipples (if you don't get that reverence, post and I'll 'splain). It would be nice to stage a power plant in a good neutral country and "ship" power over to Iran, but there just aren't very many good neighbors to Iran that we (the US) are likely to trust with nuclear power.

Anyway, I digress. We are at a weak point internationally, and this is not helped by the Democrat-controlled legislature. Iran will not back down until there is a legitimate threat of invasion, and that is at minimum one election away, and definitely not a good idea until we can back out of Iraq.

So, brace yourselves. Sometime in the next 4 to 11 years, we *will* be attacking Iran. That is, unless we change our policies, or they change theirs.

Thus beginneth the attack.


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